Soroptimist Development Retreat will be a live virtual event on Saturday, July 10th at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom Meeting.
IT IS THAT TIME OF YEAR, renewal of membership, new boards officers and learning opportunities for all.
I am proud to announce that we will have a presentation by SIA’s Newly Elected President Elect Stephanie Smith, who is a member of SI Oak Harbor. Stephanie’s presentation is “Reigniting Your Passion for Soroptimist – Leading in These Unique Times.” Stephanie’s presentation is going to include some interactive segments using the breakout rooms in small groups of 6.
During the week before and after July 10th, we will have live zoom sessions for the newly elected club presidents, treasurers and secretaries, as well as live sessions where each of the District Directors will have a chance to introduce themselves to the newly installed club officers and an opportunity to share information.
There will be pre-recorded presentations on the Region Website on Membership, Fundraising, Public Awareness, SIA Signature Programs Live Your Dream and Dream It, Be It. Lots of information to share with clubs and members. Also on the SNR Website there will be special pre-recorded presentations on Legislative Advocacy, Stop Human Trafficking, Club Strategic Planning – Road Map, S.O.L.T., Building a Virtual Club, Learning the Language of Soroptimists, How to use a Club Newsletter and The Role of the Club Parliamentarian.
You must register to attend the live zoom event on Saturday, July 10th. Registration will be open on June 25, 2021 and early bird registration ends on July 2, 2021. Remember the early bird gets into the Early Bird drawing to be done on Saturday, July 10th!
July 10, 2021
9:30 am - 12:00 pm